Can you handle the truth?

Read time: 4 min 0 sec

Whatup Reader!

When I sat down to write this email I thought about keeping it super brief and simply announcing the new free training that I’m running next Thursday: Foundations and Fundamentals for Starting an Online business.​

But you already know that I prefer to serve every announcement with a sprinkle of story-telling and a layer of lesson-imparting, so let’s dig in.

I decided to run this training and make it free to provide a simple, straight-forward, no-bullshit, no-reason-to-not-access-it resource for anyone who thinks they might want to start an online business.

Truth bomb: I honestly don’t care if any of those folks go on to actually start an online business, though I’m happy to celebrate the shit out of them if they do. But whether or not an attendee starts an online business is not my main concern.

My main concern is that anyone who does decide to give online business a go has a resource that is actually designed to help them, and is based in honesty, transparency, and reality.

The things I teach are rooted in what I believe, what I value, and what I feel in my gut to be right. If a sales tactic doesn’t feel good, I don’t use it. If an approach to marketing doesn’t sit well with me, I don’t adopt it.

I have taken this approach since day one, and going into things I had no idea if this would result in business success, but honestly that wasn’t top priority for me because online business wasn’t how I was making my money.

Maintaining my physical therapy license while also working for RockTape gave me the gift of time and the ability to build a successful online business in a way that felt good to me, using an approach that I was proud to share with others.

Almost ten years later, I can say with full confidence that my approach has not change very much, if at all, but what has changed is the number of people I’ve helped with this approach. I’ve worked directly with hundreds of online business owners, indirectly with I don’t even know how many (free resources FTW), which introduces a (statistically) significant amount of objectivity into the equation.

This approach is what I’m teaching during the training.

For the luckiest ones, starting an online business will completely change their lives.

But that life-change is not a guarantee, and the story I often see being used to promote online business has made the online business space feel very MLM-esque, with those at the top profiting the most, largely by making unfounded and outlandish promises to those at the bottom.

This is not me telling you to not start an online business. This is me saying that my favorite way to complain is to make something, and my favorite way to help people is by giving it to them straight. I want to let people know not just what is possible, but what is probable, what is realistic, and what my advice is on how to get there. (FWIW, even a small bump in income can make starting an online business so very worth it.)

Ya’ll know that my whole schtick is about building and living your best life.

Don’t nobody’s best life involve smoke and mirrors.

I realize that we’re nearing 600 words and I’ve yet to go into the specifics of the training so I’ll leave you with the following bulleted info, trusting that if you’re truly interested in the training you’ll smash the Maestro Green button to be taken to the info page where you can read all the things and reserve your spot:

  • Date: Thursday, June 27th
  • Time: 4pm PT
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Location: Zoom
  • Recording: Of course

If any part of you has any interest in maybe possibly starting an online business one day, I’d love to have you.

If you know you’ve got zero interest, but you know someone else who might be interested, you’d be doing me the biggest favor by forwarding this email to them.

Starting an online business can absolutely change your life, but it won’t happen overnight, it won’t happen by you building some funnel and then never having to work again, it won’t happen by you outsourcing the entire operation to some company promising golden goose results, it won’t happen by you constantly marketing that you’re “looking for 5 people who want X results in the next 32 seconds”, it won’t happen by you making an online course despite the fact that you have ZERO audience, and it definitely won’t happen via any other approach that the brochacho marketers are selling you.

Let me give it to you straight and share what I, along with hundreds of other online business owners know to be true.

The training is free and I’m not pitching anything at the end.

What have you got to lose?

Happy Tuesday, Reader. Hope to see you there.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

Join Maestro Mail, a weekly newsletter for folks who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of actionable advice, thought-provoking insights, and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to take action, while reminding you that there's more than one way to achieve happiness and success.

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