
Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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Read time: 3 min 24 sec Whatup Reader! Wow, what a week it’s been since last we spoke. I’m gonna go ahead and address the elephant in the room and use this email to talk about the election. If you want to stop reading right now that’s 100% your choice. If you want to unsubscribe after you read this email, also 100% your choice. I’m fully aware that as soon as one talks politics, there’s a chance it affects their business. It’s a chance I’m willing to take. I’m not here to shame anyone into...

Read time: 1 min 52 sec Whatup Reader! I should probably start this email with the death part since it’s such a jarring and scary topic for most folks. In an attempt to not come off as opportunistic and insensitive in the face of such gut-wrenching tragedy, I will simply say that someone very close to me lost someone very close to them last week. The only thing that this incredibly sad news has to do with swimming is a quote that another good friend of mine, who also recently lost someone...

Read time: 2 min 2 sec Whatup Reader! Question for you: Would you hop on a 13-hour flight to play two volleyball games? No, this scenario was not actually presented to me, but it was presented to my friend, professional volleyball player, Kim Hildreth, and her answer was an immediate hell yes. I was texting with Kim this past weekend while she was in Gstaad, Switzerland for the Beach Pro Tour Elite 16 tournament, crossing off one of her bucket list items, and she sent me this photo: The text...

Read time: 2 min 20 sec Whatup Reader! Welcome to the halfway point of 2024! Did the proverbial turning of the calendar bring you any anxiety, or were you too busy enjoying that summer sun and making the most of the season that everyone looks forward to and then complains is too hot once it gets here? My hope is for the latter, but my hunch is that sooner or later the thought will creep in that “Shit, the year is already halfway done”. We will likely be able to blame Costco or some other...

Read time: 3 min 22 sec Whatup Reader! And it’s officially officially summer! Tomorrow is the first day of July which means social media is about to be flooded with complaints that it’s too hot outside, made by someone who just a few weeks ago was complaining that it was too cold and they couldn’t wait for summer. It be like that. Anyway, if you’re new here (which I am certain some of you are, fresh out of the F+F training), I send these recap emails out on the last day of each month as a way...

Read time: 3 min 4 sec Whatup Reader! Sometimes social media be triggering me. Yesterday was one of those days. The flip side is that I firmly believe that the best way to complain is to create something, and as such, I get triggered into creating content. Yesterday’s gear grinding? The fact that slick online marketers have swindled people into second-guessing themselves and believing that they need to learn a new language and become an entirely new person if they want to sell a single thing...

Read time: 4 min 0 sec Whatup Reader! When I sat down to write this email I thought about keeping it super brief and simply announcing the new free training that I’m running next Thursday: Foundations and Fundamentals for Starting an Online business. But you already know that I prefer to serve every announcement with a sprinkle of story-telling and a layer of lesson-imparting, so let’s dig in. I decided to run this training and make it free to provide a simple, straight-forward, no-bullshit,...

Read time: 3 min 28 sec Whatup Reader! Let’s get right into it: Are you actually bad at time management, or do you simply need to work on expectation management? I had a lengthy Voxer chat with one of my superstar clients yesterday, and while she has made TREMENDOUS improvements in her time management skills, she’s been feeling a bit stretched and a bit stressed as of late. She reached out to me asking if we could spend some time organizing her schedule and I straight up told her that I...

Read time: 3 min 52 sec Whatup Reader! So I’ve got about 45 minutes left in my current book, The Sunny Nihilist (woot woot, Audible what’s up) and the confirmation bias has inspired me to send ya’ll an email about how I spent my Saturday…cleaning. Well, technically I spent part of the morning playing volleyball, but after that it was a day filled with doing things for Peggy (my Jeep), and cleaning the 2400 sq foot behemoth that is our apartment. Peggy 😍 From about 1-6:30pm on Saturday I...

Read time: 3 min 45 sec Whatup Reader! Ya’ll, tomorrow is the first day of June. Imma act like I’m ok with it, because June means summer, but you and I both know that this year is going by too damn fast. Anyway, if you’re new here, I send these recap emails out on the last day of each month as a way to share the things that this awesome community has told me they’ve found helpful, and also to let you in on things that are coming your way in the next few months. I know you’re busy and I...