
Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

Join Maestro Mail, a weekly newsletter for folks who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of actionable advice, thought-provoking insights, and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to take action while reminding you that there's more than one way to achieve happiness and success.

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Our landlord left us a $500 gift

Read time: 3 min 21 sec Whatup Reader! Gonna hit you with a quick announcement and then we’ll hop into story time. Ya’ll already know that I’m incredibly protective of my people and to that end I make it a point to only put the best stuff in front of you. I only promote businesses I trust and products I personally use, and this time it’s a double win because not only do I get to share a quality resource, I get to support my best friend. My bestie, JillFit, is running a free 3-part live...

Read time: 2 min 27 sec Whatup Reader! You don’t have to wait to be happy. We coming hot out the gates today and leading with lesson. Last week, my brother, aka no-Instagram Justin, (he does, however, read these emails. Hi, Unca 🙋🏽♂️) and his girlfriend, Carly, came to visit us, and Lex and I got to show them what that SoCal life is all about. I’ve said it probably eleventy billion times in the last few podcast episodes I’ve released, but I’m so grateful to have a space that is so conducive...

Read time: 3 min 6 sec Whatup Reader! Where in the actual hell did August go?! June, July, and August felt like the calendar equivalent of L-M-N-O-P, and now we find ourselves on the eve of September. If you’re new here, I send these recap emails out on the last day of each month as a way to share the things that this awesome community has told me they’ve found helpful, and also to let you in on things that are coming your way in the next few months. I know you’re busy and I realize I put out...

Read time: 2 min 56 sec Whatup Reader! First off, shoutout to all of you who have actually heard of a flux capacitor. Double shoutout to those of you who know that flux capacitors (in reference to time travel) are not actually real, but Back to the Future is still an elite movie. Moving on to today’s story, if you follow me on IG then perhaps you know I have a penchant for DIY-ing things. Not because I’m cheap, but because I genuinely enjoy learning things, working with my hands, and getting...

Read time: 1 min 29 sec Whatup Reader! Welp, it happened. I got a picture with yet ANOTHER Olympian. Perhaps I should back it up a bit, seeing as the first Olympian picture happened three years ago, and you may or may not remember that story. For those of you who weren’t yet part of the Maestro Mail family in 2021, or if somehow I’m not the center of your Universe and you don’t remember the email that I sent three years ago, you can CLICK HERE to read about the time that I got professional...

Read time: 2 min 0 sec Whatup Reader! August is making fast moves and while I’m ABSOLUTELY over here enjoying my summer, I’ve also made it a point to plan out my business ish for the rest of the year so that I’m not scrambling, cramming, or whatever other unpleasant verb you’d like to use. For the past two weeks I’ve sent out emails to my Mafia family gently nudging them to use this month to plan out the their fall launches, and after one of them sent me the following dope message, I figured...

Read time: 1 min 54 sec Whatup Reader! The Olympics got me over here developing anxiety while simultaneously falling into a depression, immediately followed by incredible frustration at the sheer number of gotdamn commercials that Peacock insists upon airing. Do they not realize how much happens in 15 seconds of a beach volleyball match, never-mind 2 whole minutes?! Emotional rollercoasters aside, I honestly just want to use this email to brag on my friend Lauren, who I wrote about a few week...

Read time: 3 min 18 sec Whatup Reader! Welp, we blinked and suddenly it’s August. Hopefully your summer is going well (for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere) and you’re making the most of these longer, warmer days. Soak it in and say yes to all the summer things. It’ll be gone before we know it. If you’re new here, I send these recap emails out on the last day of each month as a way to share the things that this awesome community has told me they’ve found helpful, and also to let you in...

Read time: 3 min 18 sec Whatup Reader! First off, a huge thank you for all the responses to last Tuesday’s political email. I heard back from SO many of you that I chose to block off time on my schedule so that I could respond to every email. This is not at all standard practice for me, but the content of that email was not at all standard practice for me, and I wanted to make sure that anyone and everyone who took the time to write back knew how much I appreciated them. Even if you didn’t...

Read time: 3 min 48 sec Whatup Reader! What follows is a pitch. Not a hard pitch, but a pitch nonetheless. The TLDR is that yesterday I spent four hours in the presence of four incredible entrepreneurs and it inspired the hell out of me and made me want to invite you to BossUp. The long version is what follows. Thank you in advance for reading. Rascal Flatts has a song called My Wish. Surprise, for those of you they don’t know, I love country music. Rascal Flatts refers to the song as a song...