Death and swimming

Read time: 1 min 52 sec

Whatup Reader!

I should probably start this email with the death part since it’s such a jarring and scary topic for most folks.

In an attempt to not come off as opportunistic and insensitive in the face of such gut-wrenching tragedy, I will simply say that someone very close to me lost someone very close to them last week.

The only thing that this incredibly sad news has to do with swimming is a quote that another good friend of mine, who also recently lost someone very close to her, shared her Instagram Stories: Do it all because you never know.

You never know, you just might end up loving it.

You never know, today might be the last time you’ll ever be able to experience it.

Do it all because you never know.

So, the swimming part of this email.

My friend Lauren recently decided to join an open water meet-up group. Nothing related to death is coming from this story. I promise.

Last week she met up with them for the first time and swam an absolutely insane 1.5 miles in the ocean.

Lauren said she absolutely loved it and is likely going to do the pier-to-pier swim that happens every August here in the South Bay.


Her decision to seek out a swimming group came after having tried beach volleyball and learning fairly quickly that it wasn’t something she enjoyed or wanted to pursue. Lauren has a background swimming, currently swimming a few times a week at a local pool, and thought this open water meet-up group might be fun. So she gave it a try.

And she loved it.

Do it all because you never know.

We like to say that life is short and then use the constraints of mortality to inspire action. The more I sit with it, the more uncertain I am that I like this scarcity and urgency as a motivator.

I’m not quite yet ready to get rid of mortality as a motivator, but I do love the open-endedness of my friend’s quote, and the joy that it invites in.

So, that is what I shall leave you with today:

Do it all because you never know.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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