Is online business common sense?

Read time: 3 min 4 sec

Whatup Reader!

Sometimes social media be triggering me. Yesterday was one of those days. The flip side is that I firmly believe that the best way to complain is to create something, and as such, I get triggered into creating content.

Yesterday’s gear grinding?

The fact that slick online marketers have swindled people into second-guessing themselves and believing that they need to learn a new language and become an entirely new person if they want to sell a single thing online.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There is absolutely both art and skill when it comes to marketing and messaging, but I firmly believe that the foundation of any business - how we show up and how we interact with our customers - is rooted in common sense (definition: good sense and sound judgment in practical matters) and gut feelings.

Hear me out.

If you’re doing business with humans, the way you show up and conduct business on a day-to-day basis comes down to things we learn in kindergarten or whatever early-life socializing experience you prefer: Say please and thank you, use people’s names, play fair, don’t steal, tell the truth, be kind, try your best, take turns, listen, explore and play…the list could go on and on.

Despite the fact that biz gurus like Alex Hormozi say things like, “You can be right or you can be rich,” I really don’t believe that we have to choose between people and profits.

To be clear, I do absolutely value business coaching and guidance. Hell, it’s what I do for a living. But that doesn’t change the fact that I believe the two most basic parts of online business, how we show up and how we interact with our customers, don’t require us to learn a new language or become a new person.

You can trust your gut.

You can lean on your common sense.

After working with hundreds upon hundreds of online business owners I’ve learned that one of the most important things I can do when it comes to long-term success is to help these folks learn that it’s ok to trust their gut.

Yes, there are most certainly tactical things that I teach to help compress time for these business owners and get them through the logistical bits, along with strategy that helps to make business more predictable and objective. But for the folks who are just starting, the beginners that are looking to get things off the ground, it’s about giving these business owners permission to trust their gut and to lean on their common sense.

Pitch incoming:

If you’re looking for someone to grant you that permission and help you out with those logistical bits, don’t forget that I’m hosting a 100% FREE training this Thursday at 4pm PT called The Foundations and Fundamentals for Starting an Online Business. You can smash the Maestro Green button below to be taken to the info page where you can save your spot.

It’s free and it’s only 90 minutes long because as I’ve been trying to convey for this entire email, the beginning phases of online business don’t need to be rocket science.

One last thing, I’m not saying any of this to make you feel bad if you haven’t been able to figure it out on your own, but rather to give you hope that what you need isn’t some exclusive, elusive, impossible to find thing, but rather, something that’s likely already inside of you.

If you think I can help you, I’d love to see you on Thursday. I’m sick of these brochachos and their terrible advice ruining shit for everyone.

There’s a better way to do online business. I promise.

Happy Tuesday, Reader.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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