May Recap: Busy, Basics & BossUp

Read time: 3 min 45 sec

Whatup Reader!

Ya’ll, tomorrow is the first day of June. Imma act like I’m ok with it, because June means summer, but you and I both know that this year is going by too damn fast.

Anyway, if you’re new here, I send these recap emails out on the last day of each month as a way to share the things that this awesome community has told me they’ve found helpful, and also to let you in on things that are coming your way in the next few months. I know you’re busy and I realize I put out a lot of content in a bunch of different places, so if you’re ever worried about missing anything, rest assured that the monthly recap will have all the important stuff in it.

Alright, let’s get into it!

From the ‘Gram:

Instagram is still doing Instagram things, and I’m still doing Maestro things, which this month actually looked like posting not once but twice a day. Why? Why not. While the general consensus seems to be to simply complain about engagement, I figured I’d try something different and post more. No, it has not blown up my account (I am however getting great engagement on each post as measured by the number of comments), but I enjoy the challenge and it’s a way better use of my time than worrying about something I can’t control. Here are a few fam faves from this month. Click on any of the images below to check out the full post on Instagram.

From the Podcast:

This year I decided to switch things up and release only one new Maestro on the Mic podcast episode per week. Not ready to give up that Thursday spot, I decided to use Mondays for new episodes and then use Thursday to re-publish a previously released episode, Thursday Throwback style. With over 500 episodes to choose from, it’s been awesome going into the “archives” and bringing back some bangers. I hope you enjoy the new stuff and the old stuff as much as I do.

Video versions of the new Monday podcast episodes are also available on YouTube for any of you who enjoy seeing just how animated I am when I speak ;-) Tap the links below to listen to my top picks from last month’s episodes or click the YouTube thumbnails to watch any of the Monday video podcast episodes on YouTube!

Thank you to everyone who has left a rating or review for the podcast, and thank you in advance to anyone who was just guilted into leaving one ;-)

PS – How dope are these thumbnail images?! Shoutout to @docjoeo for crushing it!

From the Biz:

  • CLICK HERE if you’d be interested in a FREE webinar that outlines the super basics and very very very beginner steps for starting an online business as a health and fitness professional. The plan is to cover topics like: what do you actually need tech-wise in order to get started, how do you actually get started, what’s a realistic time-frame for progress, what you should focus on, how much time to invest, etc. I’m talking super beginning stuff, designed to serve as a resource for folks who think they might want to venture into the online space but aren’t sure if it’s for them, aren’t sure where to start, and aren’t sure who or what to trust. I asked about interest in my IG Stories and had a great response, so I’m hitting ya’ll up over here for the final final vote. Enough yes’s and I’ll run it. Smash that hyperlink to automatically cast your “yes” vote.
  • Don’t forget that BOSSUP IS BACK! JillFit and I are committed to putting on THE in-person event of the year for female health and fitness online business owners. October 10-11th it’s going down in Redondo Beach, CA, and we want you there. Click here for ALL the information and to grab your ticket (get that early bird pricing, ya’ll!). Only 5 VIP spots left. Make moves.

Alrighty, that’s it for May, bring on June!

Puhlease feel free to hit me back and let me know if you have any podcast episode requests, IG post ideas, or suggestions for new webinars/courses/services. It makes my day to hear from you.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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