Stuck in the middle with you 🎶

Read time: 2 min 20 sec

Whatup Reader!

Welcome to the halfway point of 2024!

Did the proverbial turning of the calendar bring you any anxiety, or were you too busy enjoying that summer sun and making the most of the season that everyone looks forward to and then complains is too hot once it gets here?

My hope is for the latter, but my hunch is that sooner or later the thought will creep in that “Shit, the year is already halfway done”. We will likely be able to blame Costco or some other store with their far-too-early holiday decorations push, but either way, if and when that thought arrives I have a suggestion: Let it serve as the perfect reminder to both enjoy the moment AND start now.

As it relates to enjoying the moment, for those of you in the Northern hemisphere, puhlease say yes to the summer activities that come your way. Summer bout to be over in the blink of an eye, so say yes to the beach day, the bbq, the water balloon fight, the dinner outside, the overpriced watermelon, the whatever-summer-stuff-you-where-you-live.

Say yes and enjoy the moment because fall will be here on the right quick.

As it relates to starting now, I’m really just trying to get you to take a glass half full approach and realize that despite the fact that half 2024 has passed us, we still have half of 2024 in front of us.

If there’s something you’ve been wanting to do, do it now.

If there’s something you’ve been wanting to change, change it.

If there’s something you’ve been wanting to start, start now.

Yes, time has passed, but there’s still plenty ahead.

One last thing, if you picked a word for the year, consider using this time to revisit it and do a little check in.

Stuck to it? Congratulate yourself. Want to change it? Change it. Ready to double down? Lean in. Just need to keep going? Keep going.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, feel free to click here and listen to the podcast episode I recorded last year about choosing a word to guide your year.​

My word for 2024 is WRITE, and I can say with full confidence that I’ve settled into a weekly emailing cadence (thank you for being here), and it feels like second nature now. Big happy about this. I’ve grown inconsistent with my morning walk and talk pages, but I do revisit them at least once a week and I’m cool with that. I don’t really have any desire to adopt any additional formalized writing, but we’ll see how post-summer me is feeling.

Alrighty, that’s enough writing for today ;-)

Say yes to the summer things and remember that we’ve still got an entire half a year in front of us.

Happy Tuesday, Reader.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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