Ask for the picture

Read time: 1 min 29 sec

Whatup Reader!

Welp, it happened. I got a picture with yet ANOTHER Olympian.

Perhaps I should back it up a bit, seeing as the first Olympian picture happened three years ago, and you may or may not remember that story.

For those of you who weren’t yet part of the Maestro Mail family in 2021, or if somehow I’m not the center of your Universe and you don’t remember the email that I sent three years ago, you can CLICK HERE to read about the time that I got professional volleyball player, Sarah Sponcil, to take a picture with me.

Fast forward almost three years to the day, and I found myself beside yet another Olympian and professional beach volleyball player (not to mention the most winningest college beach volleyball player of all time), THE Kristen Nuss.

Truth be told, I actually met Kristen a few months ago, thanks to my good friend and AVP med staffer, Beth Drayer, but Kristen and Taryn were in the middle of practice and I wasn’t about to be trying to play paparazzi in that moment.

Lex and I each got a picture with Kristen this past weekend while she was in-between matches at the Manhattan Beach Open and also in-between the zillion photo ops so was so graciously saying yes to. I’m telling ya’ll, she's a big deal, in a small (for beach volleyball) package.

The email I sent out three years ago had a bigger ‘life lesson’ associated with it, so I’ll encourage you to read that if you’re in need of some deeper inspiration today.

As for this email, I’m honestly just sending it to give you the permission that you don’t need to go and ask for the thing that you want.

Ask for the picture.

You’ll be glad you did.

Happy Monday.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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