But why?

Read time: 4 min 26 sec

Whatup Reader!

Registration is open for Round 16 of my Instagram Intensive!!!

Business tip immediately coming your way: When utilizing email marketing, don’t bury important shit in the PS section. SAY IT WITH YOUR WHOLE CHEST.

That in mind, one MOAR time for the folks who may have somehow skipped over that first sentence: Registration is open for Round 16 of my Instagram Intensive!

The Instagram Intensive is my 6-week online group coaching program that teaches health and fitness pros exactly how to use Instagram for online business.

If you have a penchant for podcasts and want the auditory version of the info page that I just linked, you can click here to check out the full podcast episode I released yesterday that breaks down all the ins and outs of the program.

For my readers in this audience, I want to use this email to chat with you about why.

This will be the 16th round of the Intensive, and why I continue to run it is pretty different than why I created it in the first place.

The Instagram Intensive was born from a demand made by my audience (you fine folks) after I launched a self-paced course called Instagramming with the Maestro. Who remembers that banger of a course?!

Folks said they wanted MOAR accountability and MOAR face-time for learning, so I created the Instagram Intensive.

Five years and 550+ enrollees later I’m still running the Intensive. Why?

Well, ya’ll already know that my whole schtick is about building and actually living your best life. For some people, part of that process involves some form of starting and running their own online business, and after those 5 years and 550+ enrollees, I can say with full certainty that the Instagram Intensive is the best program to help folks who want to use social media to do this.

Why is it the best?

Because it’s confidence coaching disguised as content coaching.

While many folks tell themselves that it is the tech that is holding them back when it comes to social media, you and I both know that the real culprit is the fear of being seen and being judged.

So, in the spirit of “give people what they need packaged in what they want”, I spend the first 3 weeks of the Intensive getting into the nitty gritty of all things tech-related (click here to see the weekly breakdown), but I spend the entire 6 weeks lending enrollees my confidence, holding them accountable, and getting them to do the thing that scares them the most: Show up 100% as themselves.

It’s confidence coaching disguised as content coaching.

Perhaps some of you reading this are asking, “Why don’t you just start a legit confidence coaching program then?”

Ya know, maybe I will one day.

But for now, I’m MOAR than happy to continue using the vehicle that is Instagram to help people find their voice, share their message, and attract their people.

A quick word from one from a former Intensive member and then I’ll wrap it up:

I had been working with Shanté prior to the intensive via her Maestro calls and from our first time meeting I gained so much value. I just knew I needed to know more of the things which is why I signed up for the Intensive.
Her philosophies and practices helped to diminish my sense of urgency with building my online business. The Intensive provided me with techniques to use to never run out of ideas for content and improve my confidence in being my authentic self on IG.
Prior to working with Shanté, IG felt like a chore and something I struggled to create content and copy for. But now I post almost every day and it is an hour out of each of my days that I have fun with. Sharing MOAR of me, my day, my journey, and my struggles. And this relatability factor has gained traction. I am receiving more comments, interactions on my stories and DMs because people are relating MOAR to me! This organic way of living my life and building my business just feels easy now.
I used to be scared about what if it didn't work or what if I didn't make the sale. But now, through the Intensive, I know my WHY behind being on social media and that shines through so brightly that I am attracting exactly who I am meant to help.
If you are reading this testimonial, DO THE THING! You will absolutely not regret this experience of having the Maestro in your corner. – Dr. Lauren LePierre (@thepersonalizedrunningdoc)

If any of this resonated with you, I’d love to have you in the Intensive. Registration closes this Friday, which means I’ll be back in your inboxes a bunch this week to make sure you Last Minute Lucy’s don’t forget, but maybe, just maybe, we switch it up and sign up early this time?

If you’re all good on the Instagram-front but that confidence course piqued your interest, well, this email wasn’t about a confidence course so you’ll just have to wait ;-)

Doors for the Intensive close this Friday, class starts next Tuesday, and my inbox is open right now if you have any questions.

And don’t forget: Don’t bury important shit in the PS of your emails. Say it with your whole chest.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

Join Maestro Mail, a weekly newsletter for folks who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of actionable advice, thought-provoking insights, and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to take action while reminding you that there's more than one way to achieve happiness and success.

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