It’s giving “What are thooooooose?!”

Read time: 2 min 55 sec

Whatup Reader!

We blinked and it’s October, the weather is actually quite shit here in the South Bay, but I want to focus on more positive things for today’s email: My sneakers.

If you know me, you know that I’m a bit of a sneaker head and always have been.

I’ve always loved getting new sneakers, keeping up with the latest drops, and finding footwear that made a statement.

But no matter what, I’d never sacrifice comfort for style. If it’s uncomfortable, it ain’t stylish.

Early in my career as a physical therapist in NYC I found myself treating a lot of marathoners, eventually getting into running marathons myself.

It should come as no surprise that I got all types of obsessed with running sneakers.

This was also right around the time that Born to Run and zero-drop shoes were taking the world by storm.

I tried them all and watched as my patients believed a talented author more than they believed their own bodies, running their way to sesamoiditis and stress fractures.

Fast forward 13 years to present day and I’m still just as obsessed with footwear, but the running sneaker market has lost its damn mind and every pair of sneakers looks and feels like the ankle breakers that every kid in the 90s was hoping they’d get for Christmas.

I now watch painfully as folks run on the Strand near the beach, creating a new phase of gate: Ankle strike. Adios posterior tib tendon.

Thirteen years ago, I needed more than the minimalist trend was offering (for those wondering I preferred Nike Frees and the Brooks T7 racer), and presently I need way less than the Frankenstein shoes that are headlining the maximal movement.

WTF is my point in telling you all of this?

Well, I’ve been running a bit with Moose and recently decided to get a new pair of kicks. I spent 3+ hours (between two different stores) trying on 8+ different pairs of running sneakers, only to leave the store empty handed.

The sneakers I was comparing everything to? My daily dressers, a pair of Air Max 180s.

These sneakers are 100% not marketed by Nike as running sneakers, and yet here I am, running in them and absolutely loving them.

Again, what’s my point?

When was the last time you listened to how you felt and trusted your own opinion?

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and place for expert opinions, but as far as your body is concerned, you’re the expert of knowing what you’re feeling.

I’ve watched people run themselves to stress fractures because the industry hopped on a trend created by a book and wanted to sell more shoes.

I’m watching people move like they’re navigating quicksand because the industry is chasing the financial success that Hoka has been enjoying (30% year-over-year net sales growth from $420.5 million to $545.2 million in Q1 of this year).

Now, if Hokas are your thing, MOAR power to you.

This email isn’t about hating on Hokas.

I sat down to write this email because I spent nearly half a work day trying on sneakers that the running industry would tell me are top of the line and the most ideal for running.

My feet beg to differ.

I’ll be over here running in the Nike’s I got off Poshmark, and when those wear out, the backup pair that I got off of Ebay.

It’s ok to listen to your body.

It’s ok to trust your gut.

You’re the expert of knowing what you’re feeling.

Happy Tuesday.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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