My Wish

Read time: 3 min 48 sec

Whatup Reader!

What follows is a pitch. Not a hard pitch, but a pitch nonetheless.

The TLDR is that yesterday I spent four hours in the presence of four incredible entrepreneurs and it inspired the hell out of me and made me want to invite you to BossUp.

The long version is what follows. Thank you in advance for reading.

Rascal Flatts has a song called My Wish.

Surprise, for those of you they don’t know, I love country music. Rascal Flatts refers to the song as a song of hope, and it’s often played at graduations and events where folks with lots of experience have gathered to support and celebrate folks who have far less experience, but subsequently far more opportunities ahead of them.

To me, ‘My Wish’ is a song of wanting good things for other people, and I’m not gonna lie, I very often have these moments, particularly when I’m outside in the sun. Y’all know I love me some good weather.

Yesterday I spent four hours in the sun with Molly Galbraith, her partner, Casey, DocJenFit aka Jen Frabroni, and Lex, eating pancakes, drinking coffee, catching up, having bomb ass conversations, and celebrating Molly’s birthday.

It was absolutely one of those “My Wish “moments.

The conversations we had over the course of four hours ranged from hiring practices, to vacation destinations, to successful traits of an entrepreneur, to plans for future hikes, to email marketing, to advanced DM strategy, to content creation, to grocery shopping, to unique value propositions, to how to help people help themselves.

The conversations, ya’ll. THE GOTDAMN CONVERSATIONS.

This is my wish for you.

I realize how incredibly fortunate I am that both my life partner (who I live with) and my best friend (who lives just a few minutes away) are entrepreneurs in the online business space, and they get it. I can have conversations at any time, I can ask for support at any moment, and I don’t have to look very far for inspiration.

I realize that is absolutely not the case for most people.

That pitch that I mentioned earlier, here it comes:

Come to BossUp in October, meet other entrepreneurs, and have these same conversations.

For those of you who don’t know, BossUp is a 2-day in-person event that JillFit and I are hosting in Redondo Beach, California, on October 10th and 11th, exclusively for female health and fitness professionals who want to learn how to reach more people, impact more lives, and run a successful AND profitable online business that aligns with their values and does meaningful and fulfilling work.

JillFit and I will be going deep into the strategy and structure of online business, but that’s not what I want to highlight in this email. Let’s get back to those pancakes and dope conversations.

NOTHING beats the magic of being in the room.

I know I stay saying that, and you stay hearing me say that, but it’s the truth.

We are a species that is literally wired for connection, and the degree to which you can get that connection at a live event is unmatched.

Live events are catalyst containers for conversation and connection. Check out that alliteration.

Live events speed up connection because the entire thing is consolidated and condensed into just a few days, in a single event space, with a room full of folks with shared interests and goals.

You get to decide how much or how little you walk away with, but It’s all right there for you.

Come to BossUp and:

  • Share stories with folks going through the same things as you
  • Get asked questions that will open your eyes and help you learn about yourself
  • Get ideas for different way to do things
  • Get confirmation that you are in fact on the right track
  • Get inspired by hearing how hard other people are working
  • See what’s possible from those who are ahead of you
  • Congratulate yourself on how far you’ve come as you chat with folks who are behind you
  • Share resources with attendees
  • Generate evidence that you’re not doing this alone
  • Provide everything on this list...for someone else

Yes, attending a live event means sacrifice and investment. You spend money. You leave your routine. You leave your home.

But things you gain...

When my alarm rang at 7am yesterday morning there was absolutely a part of me that just wanted to sleep. By 12:30pm I was filled with gratitude, I was excited for my friends, I was energized by the depth, breadth, and content of the conversations, and I couldn’t believe how fast the time had gone by.

This is my wish for you.

The Maestro Green button below will take you to the information page for BossUp, and I’d love for you to check it out if any part of you is interested.

Discounted pricing ends this Wednesday, July 31st.

Make moves.

Happy Sunday, Reader.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

Join Maestro Mail, a weekly newsletter for folks who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of actionable advice, thought-provoking insights, and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to take action while reminding you that there's more than one way to achieve happiness and success.

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