Remember Jessie Spano?

Read time: 3 min 18 sec

Whatup Reader!

First off, a huge thank you for all the responses to last Tuesday’s political email.

I heard back from SO many of you that I chose to block off time on my schedule so that I could respond to every email. This is not at all standard practice for me, but the content of that email was not at all standard practice for me, and I wanted to make sure that anyone and everyone who took the time to write back knew how much I appreciated them.

Even if you didn’t write back, know that I appreciate you. Thank you for taking the time to read and support me in your own way.

For those of you keeping track, yes, I was just in your inbox on Sunday, a deviation from my normal Tuesday cadence that was made necessary by the simple fact that I was super passionate about the message and didn’t feel like waiting until Tuesday to share it with you.

A quick email marketing tactic for you: A great way to get folks to join your email list is to tell them what you’ll be writing about in your next email and then ask if they’d like to join.

Fun fact: I basically never use this tactic because I’m such an in the moment ideas person. I write these emails on Monday, and often I don’t know what I’m writing about until I sit down to write, which can be at any point on Monday, sometimes in the morning, sometimes late at night, and often times not early enough to give folks on social media a heads up.

One thing always remains true irrespective of the time I sit down to write, when I have an idea, I execute.

I have become increasingly adept at minimizing the time between idea and execution, and I absolutely believe that this skill has greatly benefited me on my entrepreneurial journey.

I’m going to 100% tie this into BossUp because the early bird discount expires tomorrow night, and cultivating this bias for action is at the heart of why JillFit and I decided to bring back BossUp for a third year.

Full transparency, live events are not money-generating activities. You don’t host a live event because you’re looking to make bank, you host a live event because you’re looking to make a difference and enact change.

JillFit and I decided to bring BossUp back while we were at a conference together early last year, because we wanted to enact this change.

We wanted to create an event focused on action and implementation, not just big names, rah-rahs, and “I did it so can you”.

We had an idea. We executed.

We want to help others do the same.

I’ve received some questions about attending BossUp, and while I’m ALWAYS here to answer the things, with certain questions the story around the story is so clear and so telling:

Don’t be the reason that you don’t succeed.

If the answer can be ascertained by taking action, don’t ask the question, simply do the thing.

The “but what about” questions and the “what else” questions are honestly red flags to me, held up by people who are committed to getting in their own way and sabotaging their own success.

Perhaps this is coming off a bit harsh…but honestly, I just want people to take action and do the thing, and if my directness is so off-putting that people choose to leave my ecosystem, that is not a bad thing in my book. Those who continue to stay are the ones who will do the thing, and truth be told, the ones who are the most fun to work with.

So, what says you?

You ready to do the thing?

Even if BossUp isn’t for you, I challenge you to minimize the time between idea and execution and refuse to be the reason that you don’t experience the success you want.

Happy Tuesday, Reader.

Catch you tomorrow for the monthly recap.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

Join Maestro Mail, a weekly newsletter for folks who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of actionable advice, thought-provoking insights, and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to take action while reminding you that there's more than one way to achieve happiness and success.

Read more from Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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