Who needs a push?

Read time: 2 min 0 sec

Whatup Reader!

August is making fast moves and while I’m ABSOLUTELY over here enjoying my summer, I’ve also made it a point to plan out my business ish for the rest of the year so that I’m not scrambling, cramming, or whatever other unpleasant verb you’d like to use.

For the past two weeks I’ve sent out emails to my Mafia family gently nudging them to use this month to plan out the their fall launches, and after one of them sent me the following dope message, I figured I should probably extend the nudging to my Maestro Mail fam.

Now, I know that not everyone in this email family has an online business, nor is launching a part of everyone’s job description. As per always, take what serves you and leave the rest.

For those of you who do know what the heck I’m talking about when I reference launching, let this be your gentle reminder that the success of any launch is determined by what you’re doing when you’re not launching, which very much includes the month(s) immediately preceding your launch.

Puhlease, for the love, don’t Hail Mary your launch.

Plan it. Reverse engineer the dates. Write down when you need to start creating hype and anticipation. (Note: If you’re looking to launch something in September, your promo excitement time needs to start like…now.)

If you follow me on the socials, you may have noticed that Instagram Intensive season has started, which means I’m gearing up to open registration for Round 16 and we’ve official entered the anticipation phase of things.

Btw, if you’re not already on the waitlist for Round 16 and you want to save the monies, get early access, AND have the chance to win a sweet bonus, click here to check out the info page and add your name to the list.​

If you’re all good on the Instagram front but you want help planning out your launch, schedule a Maestro Meeting and let’s get you all squared away.

If you don’t need no stinkin’ help but you know that you be dragging your feet on things, then let this be the not-so-gentle kick in the pants you need.

If absolutely none of this relates to anything that could help you, I’m grateful that you’re still reading, and I offer this picture of Rupert and Moose as a token of my appreciation.

Go forth and do the things.

September and Starbucks PSLs will be here before you know it.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

Join Maestro Mail, a weekly newsletter for folks who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms. Subscribe now for your weekly dose of actionable advice, thought-provoking insights, and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to take action while reminding you that there's more than one way to achieve happiness and success.

Read more from Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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