Would you go?

Read time: 2 min 2 sec

Whatup Reader!

Question for you: Would you hop on a 13-hour flight to play two volleyball games?

No, this scenario was not actually presented to me, but it was presented to my friend, professional volleyball player, Kim Hildreth, and her answer was an immediate hell yes.

I was texting with Kim this past weekend while she was in Gstaad, Switzerland for the Beach Pro Tour Elite 16 tournament, crossing off one of her bucket list items, and she sent me this photo:

The text that followed read: “You MUST do this trip sometime. Absolutely the best place I’ve ever been.”

Lex and I already had this tournament on our own wish list (to go as spectators of course, don’t be crazy) but that text and that picture from Kim 100% solidified two things for me:

  1. We’re DEFINITELY making the trip next year.
  2. If I was Kim and got asked to travel 13-hours for two volleyball matches, I would absolutely have said yes. Life is meant to be lived.

One MOAR time: Life is meant to be lived.

Whatever living looks like for you, life is meant to be lived.

Kim is in an incredibly unique situation where she has the opportunity to travel the world and play volleyball. Real talk, it doesn’t pay well, but gotdamn look at the experiences she’s having. It’s not the dream life for everyone, honestly, it’s not the dream life for me, but she is undeniably living life.

Perhaps it’s the fact that my 40th birthday is a mere six months away, but texting with Kim this past weekend provided such a concrete example of someone who has chosen to say yes to living life, a stark contrast to what seems to be the default for most people: Waiting.

Waiting to start the business. Waiting to leave the shitty job. Waiting to ask for the raise. Waiting to go on the trip. Waiting to give someone a call. Waiting to ask someone out. Waiting to take the leap. Waiting for the relationship to get better. Waiting for things to change on their own. Waiting to move to the place you really want to live. Waiting to start writing the book. Waiting to try something new. Waiting…

Life is meant to be lived.

Yes, of course, resources will always be required, and things take time, but life is meant to be lived, and waiting too long is very real thing.

Whatever living looks like for you, life is meant to be lived.

Happy Tuesday, Reader.

Maestro out.

Do the thing.

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Hi, I'm the Maestro. 🙋🏽‍♂️

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